Welcome to Affinity Manufacturing Ltd


CNC Milling

Computer Numerical Control or CNC helps automate the manufacturing process by controlling the movements of the machine in the form of code. The first machines or what we call manual machines were controlled manually by turning dials and levers while performing inspection periodically.


CNC Turning

Turning is a process used in manufacturing where bars of material typically round bars are clamped in a chuck or collet and rotated at high speeds. The cutting tool is then fed into the rotating workpiece and removes material as per the program.


Surface Grinding

Surface Grinding is one of the most common of grinding operations. Surface Grinding is typically done as a finishing operation. During this operation an abrasive wheel goes over the work pieces back and forth while removing minimal material with each pass.


CMM COC Reports & More

Production Part Approval Process and First Article Inspection Report or PPAP and FAIRS is a report sent either by the customer to be filled or a dimensional report supplied by Affinity to make sure your first parts are exactly what you needed before going into production.

Our areas of expertise include
CNC Milling, CNC Turning, Surface Grinding,
CMM COC Reports & more.



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